This is something old which was shared a little while back then, this video by The Onion News Network fictionalize a terrible future in which the cinemas exploded with Katherine Heigl films due to some accident, with her usual selections of shitty rom coms. With titles like There & Back (ala Up In The Air), The Love CEO (pairing with usual suspect Paul Rudd), 30Love, Like Sisters, Holidaze, Venus & Mars (with Bradley Cooper) and other rubbish titles. Fictional it may be, for those who are exposed to hazardous crap like these all the time, you couldn't help but wondered if there is some truth to it. To me, the genre of rom com truly died when I was forced to go through the very ugly Ugly Truth. I managed to guess the set up of the ending before the movies ends and that goes to show how formulaic it has become. Sure, these days it's abit more about being gritty with the likes of Hitch and He's Not That Into You but it doesn't change the fact that the movies has b...