the beauty of McQueen

With a name like McQueen, you're destined to go somewhere in life. That name might not be household worthy prior (to the masses) to the collection known as Plato's Atlantis (for you poptarts, those crazy shoes and almost snake like costume from GaGa's Bad Romance video) but it made two headlines after that - his sudden death and that dress for the Royal Wedding.

I've been following him on and off over the years and only know his works from the surface, his skeleton print scarves and knuckle duster clutch which has now become a fashion staple and of course his romantic, intricate and dramatic fashion sensibility. He is always playing on the dark side and what is considered ugly and grotesque, he finds beauty.

So glad to own a nicely curated book on his collection and exhibition at the Mets - even if I can't afford anything else from the genius known as McQueen.


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