You are no fucking Carrie fucking Bridget, ok?

One of the good thing about writing a diary is that when you actually look back, there will be fun thing to look and poke at. Well I don't religiously write one, it's just that I jot down things from time to time and boy I nearly had a heart attack reading and flipping through the pages (you have to understand those were the early blogging days...most of it circa 04 till 06). I can't believe that I was really:

1. Needy
2. Unhappy
3. Unsure about everything
4. Hopeless when it comes to men
5. Always whining and longing

And the worst thing is, I thought I was being cute. Bah! More like gross.


I don't know how my friends tolerated my nonsense, even I can't stand my old self. But the good thing is, things has changed (or have they?). At least I hope I've changed and move on to be a better person. Sure I am still abit moody now and then but I am surely happier now....right? So I am still hopeless when it comes to men but it's not something to fret about as well.

That's the thing about age. You grow and you become better. More patient and contented with things. Of course it helps that you are also earning so much more than before. But the next time I think I am being cute and all, I think I should just shut up. No one can really play cute. It's more annoying than anything else. Just leave it to the girls and TV.



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