Why I will continue writing on Medium

In case you didn't know, my new fav place to read is now Medium.com. What is Medium, you asked?

Medium is a blog publishing platform. It was founded by Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone in August 2012.
 Williams and Stone decided to write the platform software from the ground up, with the idea of encouraging existing Twitter users to create longer posts than the 140-character standard of that service. - Wikipedia
Go on, try it. Read what others have to say about everything in life - the writings are sorted in collections and it's nice to read about some POVs that are more important than an interview with stupid playboy (so she claimed to fame to be) model wearing a hijab.

I have also started publishing on Medium. Yes, thats a big word but one have to start and try somewhere right? I don't fancy myself as a proper writer. Just someone with a story to share and tell.

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Anonymous said…
looks like a brand new platform for bloggers to explore. Gonna try it now. Thanks for sharing !

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