After finishing the tiresome task of ironing 10 pieces of shirt and coming back from a 2 days/1 night trip to Ipoh, I don’t feel like doing any more work. In fact I don’t even feel like going to work. The Ipoh part was quite out of the blue especially the fact that I have just returned from KK the weekend before - will talk about it in a later post. And as for the shirts, well it is just something that I have do now with this agency. Gone are the days of t shirts and next no ironing.

Though it’s not a written rule that all male account servicing staff must be attired in typical office wear, one has to act abit to adapt into the surrounding. I believe that I have been pushing the envelope a tiny bit with jeans matched with my long sleeves shirts and occasional polo tees. Guess I need to go for bargain hunting for polo tees – not pink or baby blue ones. Ironically our clients don’t even wear shirts – just jeans and tees and we are forced to be slightly formal. I can also tell you what has and might change with this job – me turning into an alcoholic.

Okay so I might be a little drama mama over the alcoholic bit but imagine this; I have been drinking for four days straight ever since I went back to work on Tuesday. Wait, I did drink on last Sunday…so that’s like 5 days. And thank goodness the girls that I went to Ipoh with are not drinkers else I wouldn’t mind a sip or two and it would be worst. The thing is, on Tuesday we were throwing a farewell dinner for a colleague and no farewell would be complete without the drinks. Plus the fact that it’s fully sponsored by the boss does help. Btw that colleague came in my team after I did and now he’s gone. That is a glimpse into what the kind of account that I am handling. Anyway, drinks on Wednesday were more like entertaining a big big big big boss rather than drinking for myself. It wasn’t horrible but I am sure you can imagine the fake PR one has to put on.

Thursday and Friday was more leisurely and wasn’t planned till the wee hours. On Thursday, I was just having tea with K (Account Manager)and our usual bitching follows suit. Finally, she went like she has to get me a boyfriend or worst come to worst laid. It doesn’t take a genius to know that I will get neither one but I went with her anyway. The first place we went was dead and knowing how expensive drinks were in that place and with no guys to look see, we decided to go somewhere else for cheaper substitute. After only one jug, I felt that I have enough for the day and suddenly, my AD (Account Director) B appeared from nowhere and decided to join us as well. No prize for guessing that I probably continue to drink more. Friday was even more impromptu as my ex colleague texted me to go out for a drink, sort of like a get together.

Knowing that I don’t really have plans I thought I might as well join them to catch up on things. I can smell danger as the location is no other than Alexis but I managed to control myself by ordering this nice mango tea which was nice to smell but taste so so. Who knew, this bunch who never or hardly drink during my days with them suddenly decided that they are thirsty and I just can’t so no. It was quite well worth going out that drink even though I know it’s additional expenses that I can’t afford. It’s very nice to catch up with them and find out the latest in my ex agency – this and that new gay guy has joined or who is swapping account and all the office drama. At the end of the day, I felt happy because this is exactly why I am in this industry. Not just because of my love for the creativity but the fabulousness and also the friendship you forge with the people. You can leave an agency but the field is small, you will be bound to see and hear about each another again and one agency is no different than another.

I have never really been like a big fan of drinks and in fact I never really like it at first. Guess it’s just a taste that you develop and it’s easy to start off from wine to cocktails and then now since everyone is broke – it’s the very butch drink of all, beer. I know it’s absolutely disgusting to continue to be like that. I feel dehydrated everything I came back from drinks and I smoke too many sticks. Last week was scary – 4 days at work and I managed to burn 3 packs. One pack on Friday itself. Really, add all this up together and my lack of exercise these days are contributing to a fat tummy. In fact I can feel it now as I sat down and type these sentences. I have to be strong, stay focus and stay away from all these temptations. Drinks I can skip but the bigger evil is ciggie. I don’t know when I will ever quit. If I were to do it for myself, then I will never because I love it so much. Do it for someone else? Maybe that’s something to consider and sort of like an incentive but then there’s no one else. All this has to stop. As Fei Mui put it – simply RE-VOL-TING!!!


William said…
You passed on a lychee martini? Tak sangka. Hehe. You still plan to quit ciggies? 10 shirts!? Masyallah...
Buaya said…
Arrgh... 10 shirts!... :|

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