What goes around...

Karma cat-meowww
Right about after the official office hours ended, my colleague popped a question to my cubical neighbour. She asked if anyone is interested with a little drink since there was free vodka lying around and all we needed was juices and ice. Before we knew it, the little cubical was transformed into a mini bar cum smoking corner. Well, that's advertising life for you. Apparently from what I heard, in the 80s the glorious days of advertising, everyday after work is happy hour as opposed to long working hours. I kinda miss those days of coming from lunch with a mini hangover. Anyway, I went home after downing two glass of the best mix of vodka ribena that I ever had.

Only to come back and see that the neighbor's cat has shat on my front door again. We have in the past tolerated with them invading our shoe shelf with urine and hair and those noisy breeding season nights but after three days shitting marathon - I had enough. Those who knew me knows that I am more of a cat person than dog and am not particularly cruel to animals. Maybe it was the drink. Maybe it was the horrible smell. Maybe it was coming home to see that the floor was barely dry from the last cleaning session only to find a fresh new pile to welcome me home. I promptly took a broom and a sturdy bag and went out. The broom was used to ward off the parent cats and I put two kittens away into the bag and walked out from the premise. I did not kill them but walked a few streets away to be rid of them. I wished I could do that with the adult cats but no one is dumb enough to tempt fate and there is one more kitten left to exterminate.

I did felt a little sorry for what I have done but my patience was tested and enough was enough. I was a little worried about karma and all, after all I just had the same conversation - three way - with Cookie and Fei Mui earlier the day. I was sinking into a mini depression (hence the drink, well it was free) today over something so silly and laughable that it shamed me to even write about it.

…comes around
It's a fact that I know of and wholly acknowledges - people, many of them have misconception about who the real Daniel is. There's no worries about my friends. They know that I am a selfish deluded chain smoking bitch (and some say addict drinker from the satisfying sounds that I made as I took those long wonderful sip from my cold drinks) but what do others think of me. I was a little surprised and taken aback when references to laici martini and Alexis was made by people who read my blog when they talk to me. Truthfully speaking, does anyone out there seriously thinks that I am a walking euro thrash, one hand carrying a tote and the other holding a martini glass while the cigarette dangle from my mouth? Or that I am a constant impulsive shopping addict who buys and swept everything on sight and look at nothing but labels and labels and labels?

However what really made me upset is the fact that people thinks that I am extremely fussy and picky about everything in life and in particularly in men. This comes from not one but from everyone. I confessed that I have high expectations on my work, my clothes and myself but not on my friends and certainly not when it comes to love. But am I being singled out just because people have misconception about me?

Could it be the wrong image that I am projecting? I of all people would know that perception is everything when it comes to selling a product. So why am I such a failure when it comes to selling myself? Am I selling myself short, or rather overselling myself that no one would dare to be with me? I am not hideous and have no body odor. So what can I do? Buy a boyfriend like how I buy everything else? I am beginning to understand why the money boy industry thrives. Sometimes loneliness is too big of a cross to carry and if you can't get it, pay for it.

It could just be my bad karma. Not that where I am is that bad, just a tad bit lonely sometimes when you see everyone is in the spring of love or falling in love. God forbid me however that if I were ever lucky enough to find someone, I would not talk about him in every sentence in my blog. The whole karma thing could be very interesting and convenient answer to many problems. Maybe it is my karma to be alone or maybe the explanation is much simpler than that.

Initially I wrote in lengths trying to justify and explain myself but then it was deleted. After all, I realised that people will continue to stereotype and misunderstood me not matter what I say or do. I should just live according to what Oscar Wilde said:

“The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible. What the second duty is no one has as yet discovered.”

And P.S. the kittens returned. After all if they didn't give up trying to get home, how can I?


Derek said…
Hey Daniel

Nice little story, with a nice little moral at the end.

You know yourself best and that's what matters.

Happy CNY!
Buaya said…
Sounds like you are talking about me...

Btw, OMG, you actually bagged the kittens??...
William said…
They always find their way back. You will find your way too.
Las montañas said…
Afraid of wrong impressions? A real picture of yourself will immediately correct that! :P

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