What have I done to deserve this?
I hate dogs
I can't stand kids
I don't smile at you if you are stranger on the lift or if you just joined the company
I will roll my eyes if your fashion guru comes from Sg Wang or if you think you are all that because you shop daily in MNG
I think people are afraid of me.
I think people are actually very afraid of me.
I know my friends are very afraid of me.
I have bad tempers
I can be fierce which is why everuone is very afraid of me.
I take no nonsense and couldn't give a shit about alot of things.
I don't hide the fact that when I am unhappy, I will be unhappy.
I sulk when I am unhappy.
I sulk when I am unhappy when things don't go my way or not happening as planned.
I will not like it if you want to have it your way.
I will make sure it's my way or the no way.
I hate it when people are late to things organised by me.
I can be very rude indeed.
I am a mega bitch.
I am a mega diva.
I will yawn if things are boring.
I won't pretend to be nice.
I will smoke even if you don't like it.
I am me.
And yet this is what I got for birthday. For being me.

So are they buying this for me because they are afraid of me?
Or they just love me? If they do love me,they are sadist.
You three sadist sisters. You. You. And you.
But as the present for two birthdays, it's all worth it.
Does this mean I am worth it? Even when I am not nice.
I will never be nice.
Good things always happen to bad people.
I guess I do deserve this after all.

I can't stand kids
I don't smile at you if you are stranger on the lift or if you just joined the company
I will roll my eyes if your fashion guru comes from Sg Wang or if you think you are all that because you shop daily in MNG
I think people are afraid of me.
I think people are actually very afraid of me.
I know my friends are very afraid of me.
I have bad tempers
I can be fierce which is why everuone is very afraid of me.
I take no nonsense and couldn't give a shit about alot of things.
I don't hide the fact that when I am unhappy, I will be unhappy.
I sulk when I am unhappy.
I sulk when I am unhappy when things don't go my way or not happening as planned.
I will not like it if you want to have it your way.
I will make sure it's my way or the no way.
I hate it when people are late to things organised by me.
I can be very rude indeed.
I am a mega bitch.
I am a mega diva.
I will yawn if things are boring.
I won't pretend to be nice.
I will smoke even if you don't like it.
I am me.
And yet this is what I got for birthday. For being me.

So are they buying this for me because they are afraid of me?
Or they just love me? If they do love me,they are sadist.
You three sadist sisters. You. You. And you.
But as the present for two birthdays, it's all worth it.
Does this mean I am worth it? Even when I am not nice.
I will never be nice.
Good things always happen to bad people.
I guess I do deserve this after all.

nice belt (and bum!). hehe...
Aiya, if no butt to begin with...nothing will help except cosmetic surgery
Happy Birthday! :)
Hepi B'day. Dah tua kerepot dah. :D.
Happy birthday, dude :-)
Hope to see ya again soon ;P
count me in...lack of bulge doesn't mean that he's lack in length and width and...OK! i'll stop here.
belated happy birthday! :)