Monkey Love

After working late for two nights in a row, I am ready to say thank you, please no more. I am so sick of looking at phone and their bloody specs that I can vomit GPRS-and-microSD-with-slim-and-sleek-finishing-that-matches-your-personality-with-this-blardy-phone-you-imagine-no-more. But then again, I also never felt so satisfied. Anyway, it's not about me this time...for once.

I kind told a friend that I will write about him. Let's call him Monkey for now. Now I knew Monkey boy for like...a good 5-6 years now (god how time flies). When I knew Monkey, he just broke off with this twinky bf of his. Of course he sorta got to know my friends eventually and before I knew it, he's like part of the fixture. I am just speeding things up, there was plenty of drama and shit that will put TVB to shame. But one thing never changes, he's still into careless twinks.

Anyway, Monkey has came a long way since his childish-I-am-so-cute ways...actually he still keeps some of it but anyway, the good thing is he has matured slighty, graduated (FINALLY!) and now living somewhere else.

Of course throughout the entire course of knowing him, we aren't exactly like you know...the bestest friend ever but it was okay. We entertained each another constantly online but I was so busy for the past 2 years, I confessed that I didn't really paid too much attention to that attention seeking whore.

One thing that still amazes me is that Monkey has his way with me, it's like he can get away with murder. The best part is he knows it too. I am not saying that he abuses it but its like I can't explain why and how it works. I kinda think that its something like how I hate dogs but I will never kill a puppy (he's not even cute like puppies) when I see I don't think I am like crazy about him and would do anything for him but he knows the soft spot he has in me. So I guess this shit will continue as Monkey continues to act all cute and shit. Yeah, that includes all the shitty 'flirting' we do.

Hey, what can I do? I am a softie inside (and outside too some may say).

Well, Monkey you know I love you too.

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Anonymous said…
C'est exact, je m'entend bien avec vous! mon cheri! *muah*muah!
Hey Man,

the best way to quit smoking is vice-replacement. Switch to cough syrup with codeine, take a huge shot whenever you are craving, and soon enough you'll be hooked on the syrup instead. It will stick with you for about 3 months, but eventually you feel silly carrying around a bottle of cough syrup with codeine everywhere you go and you'll quit that too. That's when you take up gambling!

Anyway, that's how I quit.

About my blog - I've signed non-disclosures so I can't tell you, but big clients. It rules.


QUIK! said…
This is such a flop post! Of course it's about a flop subject! Monkeys like these shud stay in the zoo! :D
Anonymous said…
somebody is just envious! :D
don't worry matey! maybe you'll have your turn in 2094 while your body too busy decomposing itself! >.< little bitch!

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