I have to say that there's a few things in this world that preserve my sanity and one of them is sure not to be children. At the risk of being the "bad person" - let me take a second to express my disatisfaction over stereotypical potrayl of people on TV who dislike pesky, dirty, noisy and smelly kids or puppies as the evil person, take for example Cruella De Vil (fashion has no mercy!!!) or C.C. Babcock from The Nanny. Here we have a smart and beautiful woman but she is pigeonholed into playing the fiddle and Maxwell ended up marrying that noisy Jewish ghetto tramp with bad fashion sense. One would wondered if she is even disease free. Anyway, my point is, just because one can't stand those pesky things they are naturally considered mean, evil or bad. No man would want to them to be his wife or mother of those pesky things. I mean like hello, boarding school are there for a reason and if it works for the British, it works for me.

But all said and done, I have nothing against people who wants to add more numbers to the ever increasing population as it is, so they should not have anything against me. It's their call but I do think it's the world's most selfish reason to have kids if it is solely to have someone to take care of them in the future or so that the legacy will live on forever. I do know of "some" legacy that shouldn't be allowed to continue but I am not Saddam, so there's no chance of me fixing things.

Right, I digress too much. So it has dawned upon me yesterday that I have to get something for my boss's new kid. Yes, it's not that hard is it...plenty of made to order or ready to counter hamper crap thing but I am not about to just get one of those things. Besides my boss is a very discerning person so not just about anything will do. Without much choice, after doing some research online I headed to the nearest MPH and *gulp* made my way to the children's section. (okay, so rolling your eyes you Micheal Jackson outthere, I know there's a age classification on those pesky stuff, the kid might be a toddler now but he will grow up right? besides, there's a bit of twist to the present I bought)I never realised that section is bigger than adult fiction section and boy was everything a maze to me. After 10-15 minutes of looking for the titles I wanted, I gave up. It's just too much for my system. Beatrice Potter on my left, loads of Pooh on my right, Mother Goose here and there. Bob The Builder. Thomas The Train. I decided it's time for cigarette but there was none (and I wanted to quit) so instead, I stepped back into the sane section; adult. Took a deep breath and asked for asistance. Took them another 20 minutes to locate those stuff I wanted and off to the checkout I went.

It was really too much for me. Really, people...please stop having kids. Kids screaming in restaurant. Kids rolling left right centre in those dangerous shoes, bumping into, kids, kids. But all said and done, I am never unkind to any kids even though I have always threatened to slap them now and I will never get that rich daddy boyfriend with perfect teeth and driver because I can't stand kids but who needs all that when you can be just as fabulous as Patsy!

Oh's a survey for you. Free ipod. Who say there's nothing good about smoking? Don't be skeptical, I know it's from good source. WINK WINK.


savante said…
But babies are cute!
Buaya said…
Hee... My boy will sometimes tempt me to push a kid down while he/she was running and screaming where he/she should not be... How I wish I can do it legally... LOL!...
thompsonboy said…
savante...sure..Micheal Jackson said the same thing too
Anonymous said…
Just get any book by Roald Dahl. It won't wrong. Agree with Savante, babies are cute la...
Buaya said…
Babies are cute... Until they start crying non-stop... and you are trapped in the same train/bus/enclosed area with them!... :| And worse if the parents dun care!!...
William said…
Still you did not reveal what you got, or did I miss something.

I don't mind kids, as long as they're not mine. Haha. What's annoying is parents are so fed up that they let their kids go wild and tear up people's places without batting an eyelash.

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