Rain down some love y'all!

Well I have to say that it is dissapointing when you visit a blog and find that there's update lacking for weeks or days to end. What happened to them? Why no updates? For me at least, I do know that feeling when you go like, hey lets read some stuff to get my blardy mind off work and lo behold, no update.

My darlings, what is my excuse then? I suppose I can blame it on work but some people might and cringe and go like as if you work 24/7 and the truth is I don't. But by the time you try cracking up so many things to write and bullshit, you drive home at 9pm and all you can think of is a nice hot dinner and nothing else. Writing is not tiresome, I have many things on my mind but to actually sit down and take time to do that of late has been how shall I put it nicely, difficult for me.

Yes, it is indeed a suprise coming from a person who have so many things to say, bitch and express. Yet, all I kind feel is empty thoughts. Well, not exactly empty because it's all fixed on something else. Things that will be of no fun if it was to be written here. Of nothingness, I have came to my third paragraph. I do hope I will be a better state of mind and I can tell you all about me plans that I have for end of the year and also going into Q1. Yes, very businesslike indeed. For the time being, I am saving all my energy and creativity and words for my proposals. I am not working hard enough and not doing enough so I have to sort out my priorities, smoke, shop and then work. Hahaha. But seriously....till then, I will leave you peeps with a newie from Freemasons - Rain Down Love, bitch!

Shit, where's the link again? Btw, how come no one complimented me on my blog's Xmas deco? Like helooo...it's not cut and paste or steal picture job ok.


Derek said…
My god! 500 words about nothing!

And yeah, didn't really notice the christmas decor till you pointed it out!

Real nice! I can never do that - all these imaging and photoshop and whatever ...

Early Merry Xmas to ya, daniel!
Anonymous said…
well and guess what? i have you bookmarked so i can do my "lite" reading before i go to bed but yes it is disappointing when you don't update your blog.

i suppose i could understand why. when you finish work and fully utilizing your brain for the past 8 hrs. all you want the end of the day is to get home or get dinner and maybe tv to go with it? monday smallville tuesday oc wednesday medium which i don't watch thursday how i met your mother which now replaced by will and grace then friday smallville. yay! another week and i will be glad if i survived.
darn ed said…
oh dear, I am definitely one of those guilty bitch tat never wax his blog no more. Glad your are still stripping it bare though.

And oh ya, an advance Merry Queermas to you, girl !
thompsonboy said…
derek...omg I know!!! and slap you Ed, dont you dare...DONT YOU DARE to wish me queermas. When your lou kong cums back, u can wish me personally!
Anonymous said…
your Xmas deco is Boring. No offence but come on...and u're in the ad business? Tsk tsk...
thompsonboy said…
Oh shut up bitch, I would like to see YOU try and do that YOURSELF. Besides, I am not art director and graphic designer.

If you have learnt nothing then let me tell you this. Ad business is NOT about pretty pictures. It's about relevance. My banner speaks about my blog. The ice and the the penguin as well.

But having said ALL that, while everyone IS entitled to their own fucking opinion (everyone's a critic these days aint it), I don't appreciate yours because if you have nothing good to say, then pls don't say anything.
William said…
Believe it or not, I was meaning to comment about your new banner, but I always forget. *grin*. But it means squat now that you've complained. Haha.
thompsonboy said…

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