A new destination
If you've read about me and http://thompson-boy.blogspot.com/search/label/india">my little adventures in India , you would know that I didn't sign up for enlightenment or soul searching when I picked that country for holiday but rather just because I love old stuff and shit like that. But like it or not, I came back with new perspective in life and it's a good thing. While I am being more patient at work and learnt forgiveness for stupidity, I am also increasingly impatient when it comes to having the life that I've wanted. I've asked myself if I could be happy knowing that this (refering to my work and space)is what I will be looking at for the rest of my life and without a doubt the answer is no. And no means I have to do something about it. During my travel, I was in awe with people who quit their jobs or took months and sometimes even years just to travel and that I agree is the best way to see the world. There are more or less 196 countries in the world...