Here's a piece of news

I didn't know this or else I would have bid on it. I mean like hello???? ONLY 300quid? I've spent more than that on bags. After all, I can give it to one or two of my friends who fancy Cohen and wouldn't mind a sniff or two. You might go ewwww but let's face it, we are creatures that depend on our senses so it's taste, touch and smell. There's no EDT like the musky scent of a hairy man! Woof! And btw, sorry that it has been so men oriented lately but I do think of them all the time.

Ben Cohen’s jockstrap fetches $460 at auction
Aug 31st, 2010
by Jim Buzinski.

One more reason rugby player Ben Cohen is one of the coolest athletes in the world: He donated a signed jockstrap for use in a fund-raiser for GMFA, a British gay men’s health charity. It was auctioned off at the annual Gay Sports Day in London on Monday and fetched $460 (300 British pounds), according to a fan on his Facebook page. He also donated a framed T-shirt, though I could not yet determine what it went for.


Check out the gallery from his Attitude cover + photoshoot here


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