The Truth Is
There is something that has been bothering me for sometime now and I have yet to really open up to girls about it and I think it’s about time to fess up once and for all. This goes back to a few months ago where I had a privilege of getting to know this nice fella and it was only a few weeks ago that we actually met up for a drink thing. Of course we promised to go on an actual date some day and till now, it has yet to materialize. I mean after dating or nearly getting for a few years now has taught me that this some day date thing if not pursued, will eventually turn into a never thing. However instead of being hot on the heels going after him, I took my time and well, I call him once in awhile, we exchange text messages and so on and so forth but nothing really took off. I guess I didn’t do enough and I know I didn’t. I have been complaining for the longest time that you cannot find a nice decent average looking guy in the city with a few brain cells and can speak alright English and...