
I am sure over the last weekend everyone and anyone was probably being broiled down by countless messages, dedications and ads all on the country’s Independence Day celebration. I am also sure that true that while 50 years and some achievements here and there are worth mentioning but I can’t help to feel a bit cynicism and disgusted actually at some of things that was written (namely editorial and writeup) and done (ads and such).

Watched a couple of expensive and over the top television commercials but none of them really stick to my mind. So was the press ad. The usual fake 3 races together kind of scenario was gag inducing to the max and really, and someone should stop doing those stylized commercials (you know those with cool music and shoots) ala MAS and CIMB. No surprise there as both has the similar look and feels because it was done by the same agency. My favourite was the one from Petronas – overly long as usual and it took a second seating to understand the meaning. The synopsis was basically about this old man trying to pay off his debt by building a wooden boat for his master. It was hard work and at the end, his master relived him from his debt and gave him a propeller for his boat as a gift. However the old man found that his wooden boat wasn’t fit to be used and was sinking slowly. If you don’t understand the message, you gotta rewatch it a couple of times. Beats the Ali, Ah Chong and Asoka kind of TVC anytime.

There was some very good few paragraphs which I have read a couple of weeks ago on the state of racial unity in Malaysia when Fei Mui was back. He bought this book written by Tun Mahatir called The Malay Dilemma. Many probably have heard about it before but I managed to scan through it and one thing that he said about the so called harmony and unity between the races was misinterpreted. Now just because we co exist together doesn’t mean we are united. Absence of war doesn’t translate to racial harmony – it is a very fragile state that can change overnight and if something bad were to happen (don’t ever forget the May 13 incident), say for example economic downturn and etc then we will be able to see and test how strong is our unity. Sure, things are not that bad but you can’t really tell. Strange things have happened before. I can’t really blame the advertiser and also the editorial to fake it but sometimes I wished that people would actually wake up and own up to the fact that we have this and that problem at our hand and no under rug swept them away. Talking about the problems is not being traitor to the country. It’s far more patriotic than raising a plastic flag or making the biggest Jalur Gemilang mooncake or covering this and that building with artificial messages that probably cost a couple of millions in media and production money.

So instead of just celebrating with tons of fireworks and glorified speeches and parade, let’s spend a moment and think about what is wrong with the country. How can we take it to the next level for the next 50 years. Will all the Chinese be wiped out completely? I for one certainly would not agree to become a Bangsa Malaysia. I wouldn’t want our children to forget who they really are. I am a Chinese Malaysian and proud of the thousand years of heritage and great dynasty that I carry within my DNA. My ancestors are those who come up with countless invention, build the Great Wall and has always put education as a top priority. But that doesn’t mean that I am not unpatriotic. Malaysia is home. I love this country and am grateful that it’s not Vietnam or Cambodia or anything else. One can certainly asks questions and still love his land.

P.S. Speaking about celebration, who would have thought that I could made it this far. My blog is one year old now!


Buaya said…
Happy anniversary!
William said…
I do feel that racial integration is worse than before... Or perhaps in the more rural areas, things are better.
savante said…
happy blogiversary!

Change will come to the nation, hopefully better :)
drownedglass said…
I stayed away from tv so much I didn't even see that one :P

Happy anniversary!
Janvier said…
Hurray to being a blogyear old!

True, this is home. And there's stuff like sibling rivalry and such at home too. Just gotta keep an eye on things.
Anonymous said…
Happy Belated Blogiversary!

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