So, what did you do?
You would know how it is when everyone seems to make small talk with you in the smoking room or during lunch – how was your weekend. At most it is usually my “Oh, I did nothing” or “I slept” which is really the truth because it is universally or at least known to my circle of friends that I enjoy doing nothing but sleep during my break.
With the prospect of getting two days off this week and extending last weekend in all to make it 5 days of work absence bliss, I took the chance to cash in one leftover leave day from last year thinking that I would probably sleep it over, doing nothing productive whatsoever. I was wrong.
Before I knew it, Saturday was spent in Genting with the girls and I must admit that it’s hardly what you would think of when it comes to a holiday getaway but then again it wasn’t my holiday, I was just there for a ride. Besides, any excuse to get away from the city is fine by me even though it’s not the beach and the nature tires me down before very long. Still, the highlight was waiting in queues for the gayest ride ever – a fabulous lighted swan thingy that we aptly called the Kylie Mobile. She should have been so lucky. I was lucky too as I survived driving there. Who would have thought?
As with all weekends, that came and went swiftly but I was still in considerably good mood as there’s 3 more days to go, no need to care for bed time and I sprung out from bed as per my usual half past eight-ish and promptly went to service my car. When I was there, my boss called and asked for a couple of things and honestly work was the last thing on my mind. Over the whole week in fact, I was just pre-occupied with some thoughts on men, relationships and sex. I know that I am at peace with those issues but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about them. Anyhow, it’s rather complicated anyway.
I will tell you what’s simple – just going down to your local mall and do nothing and nothing was what I did. Of course if you don’t count spending more on a CD and books and a couple of stuff. I find it very therapeutic to just indulge in that kind of simple pleasure even though I hardly can afford it as there is always a nagging feeling that I need to save for this and that and more importantly for my car insurance and road tax which will be due in two months time and also the year end bank busting insurance policy. With all that, I don’t know how I will manage to buy things in between and to even afford a trip next year. Initially I told myself that I would never afford any of it; why not just wait for the bonus for next year? However a mini panic creeps around me – my billings this year is pathetic, the agency has been losing major and key accounts globally, continue to do so and is affecting us. It’s like we get punished for something that we didn’t do. Client decided to review the account in UK or US and when we lose it there, it affects all our offices all over the world.
So it boils down to a simple decision, to stay or to leave the agency. I love the agency that I am working now, the people and the things that I am doing now. I just don’t know how long the love will stretch with no promise of promotions or raise. I am not getting any younger and I can’t be the bottom of the foodchain whore forever. I know that I would have to speak to my boss about my future soon. I just didn’t want to think about it now.
Well, I guess now that it’s Thursday and I am back to work now, it’s time to take out those notes and thumbdrive and start crunching those ideas. At least this time around, I have something more to say than I did nothing. Even if I did nothing, the good thing about a long weekend is it that the waiting for another weekend is much much more shorter. Just two days and we can start all over again.

Mika starring in the SS07 advertising campaign by Paul Smith. He encapsulates the British and Paul Smith look and feel. Love the CD.
With the prospect of getting two days off this week and extending last weekend in all to make it 5 days of work absence bliss, I took the chance to cash in one leftover leave day from last year thinking that I would probably sleep it over, doing nothing productive whatsoever. I was wrong.
Before I knew it, Saturday was spent in Genting with the girls and I must admit that it’s hardly what you would think of when it comes to a holiday getaway but then again it wasn’t my holiday, I was just there for a ride. Besides, any excuse to get away from the city is fine by me even though it’s not the beach and the nature tires me down before very long. Still, the highlight was waiting in queues for the gayest ride ever – a fabulous lighted swan thingy that we aptly called the Kylie Mobile. She should have been so lucky. I was lucky too as I survived driving there. Who would have thought?
As with all weekends, that came and went swiftly but I was still in considerably good mood as there’s 3 more days to go, no need to care for bed time and I sprung out from bed as per my usual half past eight-ish and promptly went to service my car. When I was there, my boss called and asked for a couple of things and honestly work was the last thing on my mind. Over the whole week in fact, I was just pre-occupied with some thoughts on men, relationships and sex. I know that I am at peace with those issues but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about them. Anyhow, it’s rather complicated anyway.
I will tell you what’s simple – just going down to your local mall and do nothing and nothing was what I did. Of course if you don’t count spending more on a CD and books and a couple of stuff. I find it very therapeutic to just indulge in that kind of simple pleasure even though I hardly can afford it as there is always a nagging feeling that I need to save for this and that and more importantly for my car insurance and road tax which will be due in two months time and also the year end bank busting insurance policy. With all that, I don’t know how I will manage to buy things in between and to even afford a trip next year. Initially I told myself that I would never afford any of it; why not just wait for the bonus for next year? However a mini panic creeps around me – my billings this year is pathetic, the agency has been losing major and key accounts globally, continue to do so and is affecting us. It’s like we get punished for something that we didn’t do. Client decided to review the account in UK or US and when we lose it there, it affects all our offices all over the world.
So it boils down to a simple decision, to stay or to leave the agency. I love the agency that I am working now, the people and the things that I am doing now. I just don’t know how long the love will stretch with no promise of promotions or raise. I am not getting any younger and I can’t be the bottom of the foodchain whore forever. I know that I would have to speak to my boss about my future soon. I just didn’t want to think about it now.
Well, I guess now that it’s Thursday and I am back to work now, it’s time to take out those notes and thumbdrive and start crunching those ideas. At least this time around, I have something more to say than I did nothing. Even if I did nothing, the good thing about a long weekend is it that the waiting for another weekend is much much more shorter. Just two days and we can start all over again.

Mika starring in the SS07 advertising campaign by Paul Smith. He encapsulates the British and Paul Smith look and feel. Love the CD.