Clams Conventions
Continuing on the story of me and my work at Sg Wang last weekend, well I had the utmost privilege to work there on Level 6 and good god, what a culture shock. I have to confess that for all my life, I have never been up there on level 6. The thing with Sg Wang is, the more you go up, it gets fungusier. Sg Wang is fungus to begin with and yes, you can get lots of stuff there and all but one can take so much chinko-ness and la la ness for just one day. I have to say that the place doesn't scare me like most people but after spent much of my life and times there (Shopping order - Star Hill, Lot 10 and then Sg Wang for cheap CDs), you kinda know what you are looking for and the layout of the mall would not change.
There's all these entertainment centre and nasty food areas upstairs which are all very dodgy and no, I have not been to the karoke upstairs and hence no experience on Level 6. Once you are there, you will feel like you have been transported to a different country, its like what I told my friend - Harujuku meets Emo wannabies meets Korean, Japan and Hong Kong wave all rolled into one. The final equation is one big mess of disturbing fashion crisis that would make Coco Chanel herself rolled in her grave. Twice.
At the risk of sounding overly too good for anyone or pompous, I do not think that I am better than the whole lot but seriously they are way advanced than me. The stuff which they put on themselves and most of them are just kids out from high school - you have the usual suspects of jeans being too low (butt crack are a no no) or accesories overload.
But having said all that, looking back at how I was during their age - I can horrifyingly reveal that I was once a fashion victim myself as well. All the overly baggy jeans can be testament to how naive I was when it comes to fashion sense. Nowdays I am all about the classics - no more fashion slave. Just bags, belts and shoes slave.
Enough about that, doing the sampling truly humbles me. Imagine - me, Miss Thing asking people to participate in my contest. Oh I am sure everyone has been through the experience of being approached by a promoter and true to be said, I have never been a bitch to them. At most, I just said no thank you to perfume girls because I have way too many of them to be bothered to buy any and I always stick to my Ralph Lauren. Credit card guys because I have enough and two of the best (in terms of their Customer service) in the country - HSBC and Citibank. So there I were, begging people to join and when they refused, I simply said thank you. In fact it was very hard for me to start and once I found my rhythm and put aside my pride, it was quite easy.
Well, there's no harm trying and I have nothing to be ashamed in what I was doing, I am merely giving out free samples and getting them to join a contest which they can win a prize. No buying or anything. Yes, is there such thing as a free lunch out there.
I guess I am truly a slave to my work. Whatever it takes. Even at the biggest clams/lala convention in Msia. Bring on the seafood.
There's all these entertainment centre and nasty food areas upstairs which are all very dodgy and no, I have not been to the karoke upstairs and hence no experience on Level 6. Once you are there, you will feel like you have been transported to a different country, its like what I told my friend - Harujuku meets Emo wannabies meets Korean, Japan and Hong Kong wave all rolled into one. The final equation is one big mess of disturbing fashion crisis that would make Coco Chanel herself rolled in her grave. Twice.
At the risk of sounding overly too good for anyone or pompous, I do not think that I am better than the whole lot but seriously they are way advanced than me. The stuff which they put on themselves and most of them are just kids out from high school - you have the usual suspects of jeans being too low (butt crack are a no no) or accesories overload.
But having said all that, looking back at how I was during their age - I can horrifyingly reveal that I was once a fashion victim myself as well. All the overly baggy jeans can be testament to how naive I was when it comes to fashion sense. Nowdays I am all about the classics - no more fashion slave. Just bags, belts and shoes slave.
Enough about that, doing the sampling truly humbles me. Imagine - me, Miss Thing asking people to participate in my contest. Oh I am sure everyone has been through the experience of being approached by a promoter and true to be said, I have never been a bitch to them. At most, I just said no thank you to perfume girls because I have way too many of them to be bothered to buy any and I always stick to my Ralph Lauren. Credit card guys because I have enough and two of the best (in terms of their Customer service) in the country - HSBC and Citibank. So there I were, begging people to join and when they refused, I simply said thank you. In fact it was very hard for me to start and once I found my rhythm and put aside my pride, it was quite easy.
Well, there's no harm trying and I have nothing to be ashamed in what I was doing, I am merely giving out free samples and getting them to join a contest which they can win a prize. No buying or anything. Yes, is there such thing as a free lunch out there.
I guess I am truly a slave to my work. Whatever it takes. Even at the biggest clams/lala convention in Msia. Bring on the seafood.
