Yes, darlings...I admit it's very faggotry to post pictures of cute and the cuddlies but I simply love that two babies of mine...ermm..well, the penguin was given to me from my sister (a couple of Christmas ago) and Gromit belongs to my sister and given by her bf. Aren't they the cutest? I simply love penguins (not to be confused with the puke inducing Happy Feet, you'll walk out of the cinema feeling murderous, it would nice to shoot all the annoying wholesome goodie two shoes birds). Speaking of gift, just when I thought of retiring from buying presents, I chanced upon a really nice silver bracelet. It's not exactly a charmbracelt per se, the so called charms and dangling things are really nice outline/shape of dragonflies. It's quite classy I have to say and for 70 bucks, it's quite a steal. Of course one can buy something cheaper but you can always tell when something is cheap and I aint cheap. I rather not buy than buy cheap. So anyway, it looks good on my sister, so thats that.

I admit that I am already in party mood, my creative work has been submitted for council approval and everything is going as planned. I just need to work on 3 proposal during my holiday. Really excited about the whole week off, I think I will take time off from here as well...maybe not since I will be bored to death sitting at home and looking pretty but I guess we will see how things go.

Oh, lets not forget tonight's drunkard orgy organised by my company, yes since there's no increment nor bonus, I might as well drink it's worth tonight. Let's hope for some bubbly....I love bubbly....

till fat Penguin and Gromit wishes you bitches out there a Happy holiday! Stay bitchy and fabulous...drink more and smoke less y'all! *hic*


drownedglass said…
I take it that you preferred the penguins in Madagascar then :)

Happy holidays to you! Enjoy the break, enjoy the drinking, enjoy the dancing, and of course, enjoy looking pretty!
savante said…
Awww... for such a cynical dude with smokes... that's damned cute!
Buaya said…
Happy holidays!! :) I LOVE soft toys!! LOL...
JL said…
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! cheers!
nyonyapenang said…
merry christmas & a happy new year to you and all at home.
William said…
Tak kerja pun tak update blog. blek.

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