The face of you... substitute for love.

If this picture isn't the face of God, then I don't know what else is.
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Head up to my new music download page for all your cheap boys and girls...this way the links will be there forever and ever.

Download Kaskade


ENVY said…
It seems God is str8 after all...he's surrounded with 3 girls! or does it prove the opposite? well he's not my kind of God anyway...wink? wink?
Sam said…
What's this God's name? He looks HAWT! =P
thompsonboy said…
it's DJ Kaskade....and yes he is married.

that beautiful face *melts%
savante said…
He's hot - though I hate the girls around him. Apa dia nyanyi?
my buddy down south has approved his notness!!! :P
thompsonboy said…
ya allah...semua ni tak baca blog aku..dia ni kan spin and write own song la...those girls are his fans. Imagine picture which are quite candid/not touched up also so the hotness...
Sam said…
Thompson... you so got me hooked on Kaskade. The songs I downloaded are sending me into a high ecstasy. =P

On a side note: his hotness is making me melt even more.

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