I gathered there’s a lot (ok, maybe more than usual) of attention with regards to me and the so-called date yesterday with Mr. Wrong. To clear the air, I did not sleep with him yesterday as some of my sisters would have predicted. Really it was the usual going out and all and the highlight of the evening was bumping into my manager when I was lining up for my ticket. Thank God I wasn’t bitching about anything related to work because he was standing in front of me for a good 15-20 minutes, yes the bloody ticket reservation line was that long and slow.
Mr. Wrong did everything right - the usual call to check if you arrive home safetly and all that. In fact he asked me out again which I politely declined. It's not like I am not going to see him again or anything but too much, too fast - I just can't cope. Besides, I don't want to get him all excited and hurt him at the end. Something which I think I would be doing. But whatever, this is not top of my mind right now. I have things to figure out and music to listen to. I had fun with my girlfriend yesterday, spending and wasting our time away on her sister's birthday party. These 16 years old girls are like so rolleyes inducing, I mean they went like "Oh I suppose I can have one since it's so small, but nothing more" when they were offered the mini ice-cream. Like hello, you can only say that when you are fat or 25 years old like moi!
Anyway,like Cookie, like Fei Mui, like OMG - DOWNTOWN!!!!
Check out the new slutty album cover!

Download Emma "Opps I Airbrush Again" Bunton's Downtown. I love the Element remix.
Okay, so that was rubbish music but everyone needs junk food sometimes. I am putting off writing about myself for the time being - I want to talk about happy things like music and spend more time reading. I am re-reading all my old books - starting with the Anne of series...yes it's girlish but it's good reading.
Mr. Wrong did everything right - the usual call to check if you arrive home safetly and all that. In fact he asked me out again which I politely declined. It's not like I am not going to see him again or anything but too much, too fast - I just can't cope. Besides, I don't want to get him all excited and hurt him at the end. Something which I think I would be doing. But whatever, this is not top of my mind right now. I have things to figure out and music to listen to. I had fun with my girlfriend yesterday, spending and wasting our time away on her sister's birthday party. These 16 years old girls are like so rolleyes inducing, I mean they went like "Oh I suppose I can have one since it's so small, but nothing more" when they were offered the mini ice-cream. Like hello, you can only say that when you are fat or 25 years old like moi!
Anyway,like Cookie, like Fei Mui, like OMG - DOWNTOWN!!!!
Check out the new slutty album cover!

Download Emma "Opps I Airbrush Again" Bunton's Downtown. I love the Element remix.
Okay, so that was rubbish music but everyone needs junk food sometimes. I am putting off writing about myself for the time being - I want to talk about happy things like music and spend more time reading. I am re-reading all my old books - starting with the Anne of series...yes it's girlish but it's good reading.
Don't worry pal, you’ll eventually find your 'Gilbert Blythe’. Cheers
Ms Bunton looks like a Barbie Doll. So plastic.
I wonder if that's a good thing or not.
But anyway sure you won't give Mr Wrong another chance? At the most he could be a good friend so just let your mind rest and just enjoy your time with him.
My story:
Once upon a time in the City of Muddy Convergence, lives a blur Chinese boy in a modestly charming derelict shop-house. Being less gifted in the area of writing, he keenly resolved into reading to appreciate this wonderful art.
One of his favorites past time is to indulge himself with a few hours of blogs frolicking.
On one occasion, blur Chinese boy had inadvertently stumbled upon a blog which belongs to a smoker dude called Daniel. Daniel the smoker writes lots of interesting & witty stuffs; fungusy KLCC, his idol DJ Kaskade, smoking, good ‘Gilbert’ hunting, monkey loving, his intimate relationship with the city’s notorious traffic, a particular crocodile from the lion city, his low forbearance with terrible ads, Gucci and many more.
Blur Chinese boy likes the stuffs he posted so he decided to drop by every now and then to read this particular smoker’s life periodical.
-The end-
Listen to the Dr, he's always right :) Cheers