Reason #154 Why Older is Better

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Oh. God.

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Oh yeah, the hot smart daddy look is so working on me.

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Work your way - bottoms up

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All men look good in white. Wondered why no one wear them enough.

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I am not running out of words but sometimes keeping my mouth shut will do just as good. I don't have to say anything more. I went moist when I saw those ads. Oh Jeremy! Oh Jeremy! Why are you so beautiful? I want a man, not a boy who thinks he cannnnnnnn!

Older men rules*.

*Most of the time at least. When they are not breaking your heart. Only when they look like Jeremy Irons.
Remember that scene when Carrie went "and you never did" to Big's remark on how he don't understand? Tell me why do they always break my heart.

If only we can all age beautifuly like Jeremy. I have a fear that I will look like plastic surgeon canvas when I am through mid life.


Anonymous said…
and how old is old? i am somewhat older than you does than mean i can rule you? you know how much i like giving commands for you to follow.
thompsonboy said…

I will do as you bid. Walk as you want. Talk only when you desire. Do as you like. Anything to please.

This is kinky. Email me so we can get together. LOL.
William said…
Please promise me that you won't post semi-nekkid pictures of Client Eastwood next.
thompsonboy said…
Nay....he's too OLD even for me. Kekekekekeek
Sam said…
Ooooh... old men! I love my old men! =P They're uber hawt. I wonder why though... probably the mature look. LOL!

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