
At the risk of sounding or actually looking like good Doc's blog, I am posting some dreamy looking boys here. I just can't help looking at them. Okay, so who can stay away from looking at those dreamy boys. Not especially when they have these cute stubbles all over.

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As a rule, I am not entirely a potato queen and it's not really my fault that image banks only have tons of caucasian pictures. I was actually looking for a full frontal nude body of a man for this product advertising. No, it's not for sex. Anyway, what is better than being paid to look at pictures of cute dreamy boys? But on a more realistic side, these guys are not exactly like superhot in my books. What made them hot were the stubbles. Gimme a fella in facial hair and I will go gaga anytime. Too bad most Chinks are next to hairless huh?

Speaking of image bank, it seems they are very GLBT conscious these days as you can even find pictures of men kissing. Very well, after all pink monies are good monies. It's easier to earn/cheat than women's monies.

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I didnt exactly like that picture above. This one (below) is more of my taste. Imagine kissing your boy like that. Now, that would be the perfect picture. In fact, I have references to the kind of treatment and the styling for my wedding pictures. Yes, folks...I am that sad. Plan my own wedding without a groom. Sssshhhh!!! Another confession. Oh my, whats up with me these days?

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Anyway, my back is still in pain. I so need to see the doc soon. My friend (her dad's a Doc) said I should take a couple of days rest because I am putting pressure on my legs everytime I drive to work in traffic jam. I was actually thinking that I could rest during the long Hari Raya break. Naturally I got bitch slapped and was told to see Doc asap. Well, I have two meeting back to back tomorrow. Maybe Friday then.


Las montañas said…
you could have been sitting for too long and in a incorrect posture.

try swimming (but get doc's advice first); should be good for bad backs for a start.
nyonyapenang said…
awww.... i like that 1st pic.
btw, don't take that bad back too lightly. go consult a doctor quick.
take care.
Anonymous said…
just go consult a physio! and get your back rub! the pic that you liked looks very familiar on some ad. was it A|X previously used the same thing too?
William said…
Lie on your back more often (:D), it takes the pressure off the back. Lean your driver's seat back a bit. Pictures of beautiful men in the Malaysian media is acceptable, but anything "Abercrombie & Fitch" I think is still no-man's land here, literally.

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