In the name of fun

Lets make today a fun day now, don't want to be accused of being morbid mary. First off, I have been dying to share these TVCs. Take a good look at them and tell me what is right with it, The wrong list is longer.

Ladies and gents, may I present to you:

Exhibit Crap TVC #1

Advertiser: News Straits Times
Campaign: To so called promote the paper as a vehicle tool to improve your English language with so called racial unity thrown into a whole jug of poop.
Why is it not working: How many times have you seen an Indian, Malay and Chinese boy hang out together? Really really hang out - ala friends? It's too Utopian. Came across more like deluded Government propaganda to dress up/cover the truth that all the other races are being marginalised - I mean who are they fooling anyway? We all know there's no such thing as racial unity. Besides, the streotyping - for eg Indian boy with Indian hand movement and accent is already an advertising faux pas - so don't even have to go into depths on how fake the TVC came across.

Exhibit Crap TVC #1

Advertiser: Astro
Campaign: Trying to cheat housewives into buying the new Astro Max - for them to record countless hours of Jewel In The Palace and Files of Justice. Emotional blackmail it seems.
Why is it not working: Trying too hard. Emotion is a strong string to pull and very effective. But this one came off rather superficial. I mean like to show your wives how much you love them is by getting them an Astro Max? Maybe they are trying to be funny - making fun of other emotion driven ads. But I don't know. It's not working for me. They tried doing that with another Chinese ad - Dad and Son shit. You cannot copy Yasmin Ahmad. Try as you may. Besides Petronas ad is so last last last last last year.

My take is - media people, don't try and act and pretend to be advertising agency. You guys are only expert in media. Don't try crossing the line. It's not "creative".

Second thing is, just uploaded two of my current fav song: No More "I Love You"s and Downtown LightsDownload here


ENVY said…
OK first ad:
i like it, its so sweet:) i wished one of the 3 guys would have tried to use the paper above his head as a shelter from the rain a way to give it more realism and a way to show that improving english wont be 100%. though if they conitnued reading more than one word,it would have showed the benefit more. (i think)
ENVY said…
2nd ad: it works...too much emotions but it works i think...Too many ungrateful kids though and the daddy is always trimming his Bonzai! "Oh pooor mommmy we better make her happy and bring this recording thing to her" nv
Anonymous said…
My take is - media people, don't try and act and pretend to be advertising agency. You guys are only expert in media. Don't try crossing the line. It's not "creative".

- daniel there's no line these days. you should know anyone can be a pop star or celebrity by being highly viewed on youtube or anyone can make their own products to sell online or ebay and they are not even business person. yet all these people reinventing the future. maybe it's time you broaden your view too and look from outside.
Derek said…
I read somewhere about the Astromax advert, instead of the husband getting the astromax, should have scolded the insensitive children for being so disrespectful to their mother instead of keeping quiet. They would grow up to be worse if not corrected.
William said…
Ad 1: The situation is not *THAT* impossible. I used to have a Chinese-Punjabi and Chinese-Malay cliques. But no threesome. :P

Ad 2: It's sad that sitcoms seem to be her only pleasure.
jasmin said…
hahah typical malaysian kids would have used the paper to shield their head in the rain lah.
i am embarrassed to say that i work in astro. they need to hire a new team to work on their tvcs. -_-

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