I Slut

Apparently according to a friend of mine, I am a slut and not a whore. A whore is a person who have sex in exchange for money and other stuff. A slut are in it for the fun. He said he admired sluts and think highly of them. I said thank you. I feel so much better now. I am not a whore. Just slut.

Speaking of slut, where the slut have I been up to? No, it's just that I have been writing alot lately (mostly crap stuff and tons of emails and presentation). I am feeling like really dry. Dry and fat. Don't know why but I can almost feel my tummy protruding out of my pants everytime I sit. Sigh.

Back to slutting, I realised if I opened my eyes big enough I can surely see tons of cuties in the viccinity of my office. After all, theres a few floors of cute accountants....yum. I have no idea why but people from this part of the building (mainly agency people) doesn't turn me on.

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It's the lawyers and finance boys who gets my heart thumping. And Buaya would have been proud of me, checking out their butts and stuff. Really, like my friend said there's certainly something really adorable and sexy about straight boys who doesn't even know that they are cute. Esp when they so happen to wear super tight pants. All these executive wear is certainly making me more moist than oasis!!!

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Well, there's plenty to update but I am just no in mood for heavy stuff. I have work to do and my back is aching. Not from sex, you perverts! From driving. Need to see the doc soon.


William said…
Who would've guessed that "slut" could be a compliment.

My, my. Go see a chiropractor.
thompsonboy said…
Well beggars cant be chosers. Slut is better than whore it seems. LOL. Ouch...ouch ouch my back
Las montañas said…
Does that mean as a normal human with natural sexual needs, we all have some sluttish characteristics in all of us?
thompsonboy said…
actually its not so deep and profound. Just that I should stop sleeping around. Thats all.
ENVY said…
Ur a slut indeed yes...ive always felt it though it never came to mind! Just Slutty and i like u for that:P we can both be sluts and just slut together...mmm how slutty can that get...

ENVY said…
i just felt so lutty after posting what i just posted!

ENVY said…
Ow and i just discovered something slutty about me on your blog!!! mmmm thx

savante said…
The doctor's in the house. And you have been diagnosed with sluttitis. Quite incurable, I'm afraid and needs frequent injections of liquid protein.
Las montañas said…
doc, can the liquid protein be applied topically also?
Anonymous said…
I didn't know you're getting that much action behind closed door. Then why are you still complaining all the time.
Buaya said…
Hey... Watch the back... I am having a slipped disc when I thought all the while I had pulled something when I have constant back pain...

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