That's HOT!

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I am really happy for my girlfriend Cookie, like he just passed her exams (conditional mind you) but it's good nevertheless. I of course would like to think it's partly due to me. After all, I did a quick call to God yesterday. I told God, if it's not for him then do it for me. I don't think I can live to see through him taking the exam again. I don't think he can take it. And I damn well need my sister. Well, of course it was rude of me but hey it works. After all, it's all about me and this is my year.

So promptly after collecting his results, we pop by Alexis for a quick lunch (since he flew Air Asia on me the last time). Together we are like the most fabulous of sisters ala Paris and Nikki (no prize for guessing who's Paris), doing our thing and washing weeks worth of food load with our magarita and lychee martini. With red faces, we went to check out some cds and I ended up with feeling sleepy at work and Diana Krall's newie after the two hour lunch ordeal.

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I meant to talk and review Lady Diana's cd but I think it's abit premature as it is still growing on me. The songs and productions felt VERY different from Look of Love and not better than The Girl In The Next Room. There are raw songs from the latter album - Departure Bay being one of it and of course a good cover of Joni Mitchell's Black Crow. I will put up a link to download that two track live (so you can experience how good she sounded live) later on for anyone who is interested.

Anyway, speaking of girlfriends...I do have another one which if I was born a girl, I would be her. Our character, temperant, opinions and ambitions are so similiar that it almost borderline scary. I see myself in her whenever she's with her boy. The way she treat her man and the whole relationship dominating thing. Don't get me wrong. I am fiercely devoted to our friendship but abit of honesty is always good. I am always frank about what I think and never ashamed confessing my long and shortcomings. We are both good people. Good people with big heart. With big heart also comes big temper.

Sometimes, I felt really sad when I have to confess that I always hurt the people who I love or love me the most. As cliche and movie trailer lines as it sounded, it's true. Sometimes I think part of the reason why I am more judgemental and critical towards them (which leads to irritation and then a whole combustion of anger) is because I love them and expected more from them. I know, I know if we love someone why are we expecting this and that? Well we are all just human at the end of the day I suppose. Like through a looking glass, I see the things that she has done (good or bad) and told myself not to do the same. But easier said than done. We are both firedragons. Perhaps its all good that I am single. Fireeating a relationship is not exactly what I have in mind and putting someone through hell over the expanse of being loved me, well lets just say there are better things in life than that.

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Maybe I am a better person than I give myself credit for? Maybe but sometimes I just don't trust myself.


cookieboy said…
Buaya said…
I just simply love to hear you 'gals' speak... Its fun reading... :)
William said…
It's true that we take our loved ones and best friends for granted. We snap at them. We expect them to know what we want. We don't tell them what we're thinking. Sometimes it seems that we treat strangers better.
Anonymous said…
there's no way i shouldn't agree with willi tis time *sniff*sniff*broken*down*

anyway on the other hand, it doesn't matter how many times u take ya friends or lovers for granted cause in the end it's gonna make you all stronger and better together if u could more forward from the incident.

or is this another way of comforting myself? cause i always take them for granted! :D

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