Taking a chance

Merdeka day is especially important to me because it's normally time for big corporate boys to unload abit of their bullet to do some cheesy National day ads. While my set of accounts did not participate (either no budget or not relevent as in no need to do the whole kiss ass thing), it did not deter me from looking at what others have done. As expected, the ads this year has gone from bad to worst to plain didn't I see that last year? You can expect the whole 3 different race standing today flying the flag shit from the usual set of shitty companies and GLCs. One that stood out for me was from Nestle.

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It is very simple and need no explanation and yet sell their product upfront while trying to do the usual we are living in harmony shit. What is more important is that it stood out from the rest of the junk. The icing on the cake is that, even my 50 year old mum understood what the ad was trying to say. Which suprised me of course. Not that I think my mum is dumb or anything but we advertisers always fall into the trap of underestimating the mental capabilities of our consumers. I salute the servicing, creative and client for taking a chance with this ad. Many clients will not take the risk. They want everything literal and direct in their ad. Malaysian are smarter and better than we give them credit for.

Speaking about credits, I have came to the realisation that I have not been giving credit to many guys out there. A friend of mine was telling me that he thinks all men out there are pigs. Somewhow I couldn't argue with that. As I was looking at some of the online profiles out there, I found mine weird as it was sandwiched between tons of good looking gym bunnies in varying degree of nakedness and bulging mucles. Either that or it's some fashionista or just plain lucky to be good looking. Where are the smart and funny men? What happened to intellect and smiles?

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But having said that, I did find and will still continue to find good and proper guys. Even if they are one in a million. It's a gamble. There's no guarantee of success. We can't expect them to fall from the sky. If it's worth it, shouldn't we work it ala Missy? Sure, finding them is part of the hurdle. Getting them to like you is another. I disagree with many jaded queens out there who put up a cold front and the usual 'tidak apa' attitude. Right, so you have been hurt. Who hasn't? That doesn't mean we make the job for others to like us harder than it is. Besides miserable people will only attract its kind. You want to be happy and upbeat about things. Of course I am not asking anyone to change just to find love but don't make it hard.

Speaking of hard, can't wait for budget to roll out this evening. I guess ciggie price will rise up again?


Las montañas said…
hi there! love your comment on savante's blog about siti!! LOL!

ciggie price up? how much for big pack?
thompsonboy said…
Big pack original price RM7.00. Apparently they hike up 1 cent per stick which is like what? 20 cents...we should smoke to that! LOL
QUIK! said…
that ad is fabulous,it's so not in your face as you'd expect from a merdeka ad. I'm quite tired wif all the stewpid emotional messages!
Charles Wong said…
Nice ad. Which agency did that? I remembered the one in Raya where it's drove home the message not to marry more than one. Cool blog dude.
thompsonboy said…
the fabulous David Ogilvy's descendent did that ad!

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