It's NOT right but it's OK

I must confess that one of my many weaknesses is the tendency to go around a bush or five or need 50 lines just to say one thing. Is that annoying the tits of any of you? Well,

1. I did have the test concall on Saturday morning. Yes, woke up at 6.30am to the office.
2. I am having a very hard time lately at work.
3. I think when I said I love my job - it refers to the type of work and the industry that I am. Not neccessarily mean the exact account, location, clients, projects or even bosses.
4. Yes, someone is giving me a very hard time lately.
5. I have chosen not to dwell and talk about it (esp in details here). Not because I am afraid of someone finding out (I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK) but no one wants to listen to a complain queen.
6. I have so many thoughts but I am really tired. Mentally tired to be bothered to do any writing.
7. It's all good thoughts.

So, here's what I'll do.

1. Still go to bed, in fact I am all dressed up for it. Me and my PJs.
2. Look forward going to the office.
3. I know what doesn't kill me will make me stronger.
4. I know that I am stronger already. One year ago, I wouldn't have slept a wink.
5. Tell myself that I am beautiful and fabulous.
6. Repeat step 5
7. Repeat step 6
8. I have my pack of Malboro menthol 20s. No, I am not going back to smoking. I just need a 'vacation'.
9. I need to talk to someone about it. No, I am not going to bother a friend. A stranger maybe.
10. Yes, girls...I am on crack.

Wish me luck, boys and girls.

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Las montañas said…
wake up at 6.30am.. how about clients calling on the mobile at 3AM while u are nicely comfortably in deep slumber?
thompsonboy said…
aiya, you tech support ppl life is like that la....all around the cock mah...
Anonymous said…
sounds like 'generation on'! laptop on mobile phone on IM on. there's no rest to life. think back how u would have sleep 15 years ago?
Anonymous said…
and somehow i have a flashback vision of u doing "come and smile dont be shy, touch my bum this is life"
savante said…
OMG. What happened to her?! She looks like a slattern!
William said…
Years since I wore PJs. Things will look up.... hopefully.

I'm guessing that the "all around the cock" thing wasn't a typo?
darn ed said…
life is a bitch !

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