High Maintenance

Me? Since when? I am blaming it on my PR rep and media people for not representing me correctly. To clear all the rumours ala Lindsay Lohan and set the record abit less gay - I am not as high maintenance as I may appear to be.

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Now boys and girls, shopping to me is as important and as natural like breathing. It is a hobby. I have alot of shopping buddies. Normally girls of course. As the new generation of new money, we spend like there's no tomorrow without any guilt whatsoever. There's no such thing as planning or savings. We are indeed a generation of plastic, debts and balance transfer. I also may came across being - how should I put it nicely? A bit too brand concious so it seems.

Not giving excuses or anything, I have been looking at Calvin Kleins and DKNYs since high school (of course no thanks to my fashion partner in crime, Cookie and my real sister in life). As I have confessed many times and more, I am a person who enjoys beautiful things. The thing I have with clothes is they always make me feel better. Not that I am compensating for the lack of anything. Okay, sometimes I do. But you do get the kick out of wearing something really fabulous. It just brightens up your day and boost your confidence if only for awhile. There are some dreadry days when I wake up, I'll just wipe up something extra nice just to make it more bearable. That's clothes to me. Deep into the skin.

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Then there's always quality and value when you buy expensive clothes. My dad is a firm believer in that. You get what you pay. He rather buy something expensive than millions of cheap stuff which will go broken before you know it. However it's not a guarantee though these days because most major fashion house loan their names to company to produce everything from thongs to tupperware by just slapping their names on it. You just have to go with what they do best - when you think of luggage, its Vuitton. You wouldn't want to buy jogging shoes from Armani because Nike is obviously better right? Its just common sense.

I do buy clothes ranging from 9 bucks to 499. At the end of the day its all about what you like and most importantly if it looks good on me. I am also a firm believer in bargain hunting. Yes, yours truly do go through bargain bins and can be seen scouting for diamonds in the rough from warehouses and rejected item shops. Not to forget, money can never buy taste (just look at Siti's wedding dress and you'll know). Not to say I have that much good taste as I do commit fashion faux pas from time to time but it's really all about mixing and matching and not let the clothes wear you. Best of all, I am paying for what I am buying and I am debt free (ermm..so to speak, still owe Fei Mui some dough). Whenever I commit myself to buying something expensive, I will think long and hard. So far, I have yet to invest on Guccis. See, thats the kind of shopper I am. Not driven by impulse. But all said and done, I am leaving my plastics behind this weekend at home since I will be playing fashion adviser role to Upstair's Bitch who insisted on going shopping.

And what do I think about others and what they wear? I don't judge people by what they wear. Some matherfackers around me can be decked in all the stupid MNGs for all their mother's worth but if they are a bitch, they are still a bitch no matter what stupid clothes they buy. As long as it makes you look as beautiful as me, I will love you.

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So why not indulge in abit of card exercise when its all harmless. After all, thats about the only exercise that I will be committed to. That and walking around looking for the best bargain.


darn ed said…
gf, let's keep those waistcoats rolling !
Las montañas said…
you are the department store's dream and more! :>

so how many pieces of Raoul do you own?
William said…
A t-shirt at Armani costs $200+. The quality, Masyallah, a bit like dish rag. Sometimes the quality isn't quite relational to the price. But I agree with you on the luggage buy LV and sneakers buy Nike bit.
thompsonboy said…
Mountain man unlike all the faggots out there, I don't do Raoul. Can't afford ler. I go bargain bin shopping. Two Benetton reject long sleeve shirt for RM30 a piece. Its fab.
Las montañas said…
william: ROFL!!! dish-rag quality! I like that description
savante said…
Wah. You rich chain-smoking ad man!
cookieboy said…
Excuse me?!??! You forced me to skip school with you so that we can go shopping in our uniforms to get those fabulous DKNY bags!!

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