Why I Should NOT Quit Smoking
I know it seems ironic that I am posing reasons and doubts in my mind on quiting smoking. Well, as many smokers are aware or otherwise, smoking actually kills your appetite and since trying to stop I have been eating like a horny cum pig. Just finished a pack of Chipsmore. All by myself. Alone. In less than 30 minutes. Munch munch. Fat fat. It's so digusting. I tried quiting *ahem* for a week and during that horrible week, my mouth was constantly on exercise, munching all around the clock. Imagine this: for lunch I had half a foot Subway (meatballs naturally) and by 4pm, I was munching the other foot.
Looking at my tummy now (which is nearly as big and bad as my AD - she have an excuse, pregnant for 4 months now, what's mine?), it's a disgrace. Yeah sure I bitch alot about this and that and everyone will tell me to go to gym. Well, I can't fucking afford gym, I couldnt give a fuck about gym, I think gym culture imposed by gay men here are fucked up and let's face it most people have been going to gym for years with no fucking results whatsoever. 4 fuck makes me right.
So what can an underpaid, overworked, always bitchy and ever complaning and wants to quit smoking fag do? Nothing much, really. I have been very careful with what I put in my mouth *ahem* and I always try not to eat after certain hours or take too much of sinful food. How will a gay man like me survive out there? It's so brutal! Even fatty like me judge guys out there... It's bad enough that I look like a car accident, I cannot be seen spotting bulging stomach. I can't afford to do coke and party all night to achieve the Lindsay Lohan/Nicole Ritchie anorexic chic look. One thing for sure, I asked Cookie dear to kill me if I could not longer fit into my fabulous-sexy-low-rise jeans anymore. I fear the end is near.

Ciggie Count: 3...and if it doesn't stop raining, I fear there will be more. It's Friday and I want to get home for dinner and see my sister.
Looking at my tummy now (which is nearly as big and bad as my AD - she have an excuse, pregnant for 4 months now, what's mine?), it's a disgrace. Yeah sure I bitch alot about this and that and everyone will tell me to go to gym. Well, I can't fucking afford gym, I couldnt give a fuck about gym, I think gym culture imposed by gay men here are fucked up and let's face it most people have been going to gym for years with no fucking results whatsoever. 4 fuck makes me right.
So what can an underpaid, overworked, always bitchy and ever complaning and wants to quit smoking fag do? Nothing much, really. I have been very careful with what I put in my mouth *ahem* and I always try not to eat after certain hours or take too much of sinful food. How will a gay man like me survive out there? It's so brutal! Even fatty like me judge guys out there... It's bad enough that I look like a car accident, I cannot be seen spotting bulging stomach. I can't afford to do coke and party all night to achieve the Lindsay Lohan/Nicole Ritchie anorexic chic look. One thing for sure, I asked Cookie dear to kill me if I could not longer fit into my fabulous-sexy-low-rise jeans anymore. I fear the end is near.

Ciggie Count: 3...and if it doesn't stop raining, I fear there will be more. It's Friday and I want to get home for dinner and see my sister.
Hi there, first of all i had no idea you were in advertising too:) thats good to know and it will be intresting to share to.
Smoking kills yes, unfortunatly for some, I don't smoke, never liked it though a cigarettes company made me a winner a few months ago yet i dont smoke.
My father went to the hospital a few months ago, It was serious, he used to smoke from the age of 14 he's about 56 now.. he had something called "emphiseme" it attacks your lungs basically, sort of bubbles that stay there and grow... they overtake the room occupied by the lung pressing it to shrink = not function properly then not function at all... suddenly one huge bubble bursted and we had to move him to the hospital for emergency... Now he's on oxygen... yet hes back to work but for some time there we had to face the fact that everything wont be the same...i missed lots of details of course... time spent in the hospital... operations done... worries and fears... This can be caused by smoke so my 2nd sentence won't be enjoy smoking my friend.
Have a nice week end
That is like, so true?? just look at me, and Cookie! It's a car crash! *Cries a bowl of tears ala Jang Guem's best GF*
quik!: like the inspiration for the line cane from you girls...