What's my age again?

My dearest sister in soul, Cookie recently wrote a deep and profound entry about age and relationships (no doubt inspired by the recent wedding of the year) and that got me thinking about mine.

Now before you judge me, please hear me out here. As a rule I have always been attracted to slighter (okay, so I lie…most of them are old enough to be my dad) older guys. No, I am very capable of supporting myself so it’s not about money. Years ago, I actually wrote an article and it got published in sgboy but what the hell, I can’t find it anymore. Years ago meaning when the list of guys that I slept with was shorter and I am very much more naïve. I used to think that I am quite sane and there’s nothing wrong with that…just a matter of preferences and just to go against Freud.

Well, I was wrong. I blame my entire fetish for older on my dad. Yes, ladies and gents – the absence of the father figure syndrome. Sure, he was…excuse me, is a good dad. He provides for the family and hit no one. He works hard, never gambles and supported me all the way through college. What else can a fag ask for eh? Somehow I was never close to him. Probably I reminded him too much of himself. He was stubborn as hell (like me) and he had issues with his own dad as well. But that’s material for another bedtime story. For this one, I guess the fact that I hardly know him and whatever bullshit reasons that psychologist (is that how you spell it?) can cook up probably contributed to what I am today. Not entirely but without a doubt some.

So, instead of blaming him or anyone for that matter, I chose to embrace whom I am. I like older guys and that’s that. Of course these days I gave up on finding one because experience tells me it doesn’t work. Nevertheless will take you down my memory lane for the top 3 mature men who came into my life.

1. Mr Cookie Monster – not related to my sister, Cookie…he was my first MM (mature man). Very nice and gentlemanly but I could never understand him. Is he coming or is he going. The dates and sex was great but I know next to nothing about him. He loved perfume and for years I have been using RL’s Romance just because it smells like him. I remembered once after a hot session – his smell/perfume was still lingering in my room, bedsheet and on me, it was the greatest feeling. Of course he left to work in Manila. I sort of got back in touch and out of touch with him, on and off for 3 years. Now, completely lost contact. He knows my number. He can get me if he chose to. Oh, he smokes.

2. Mr White – one of my life greatest mysteries. He flew over continents and oceans to see me. We had a wonderful time and again he was a wonderful gentleman. The sex was mediocre at best but everything else was great. Very generous man. I flew (on my own expense, ok!) over to see him as well and spend two weeks of holiday…my I say the best two weeks of life with him. But of course things went down from there onwards…managed to carry this so called long distance shit for nearly a year. Amazing. This one smokes as well.

3. Mr Hot Scot – now I would give anything just to bed him so that I can actually tell you how great he is in bed (cause he’s hot!!!) but too bad it wasn’t meant to be. We dated but things are so not on our side. He got transferred to Jakarta (do you see a pattern here? Men get transferred whenever they meet me) and we had a bit of argument. There is a funny story with this guy, I was complaining and bitching to one of my faghag about him going away and how sad I am and (this lesson is for everyone out there, never text, smoke and drive a stick all at the same time) I accidentally send the text to him. Of course it was dead embarrassing for him to find out that I kind of like him…but its still very funny. I was hoping the ground will eat me up when he called me to ask about the text. A year passed by and I found out he got transferred back to KL. I was daydreaming that how great it would be if I were to work in the same agency as he is. Well, we don’t but at least we work in the same building. Actually managed to bump into him like 3 times. He got my card. He emailed me that he would call. He never did. Guess he wasn’t that interested with me after all. Mr Hot Scot, if you are reading this…please call me. Right, another smoker.

There you go. All about MM. For the record, kissing a smoker is wonderful. The tobacco taste in their mouth makes me don’t want to quit smoking. But like cigarettes, MM is bad for my ‘health’. I shall concentrate on getting someone around my age. Non smoker, please. Thank you very much.

Oh btw, someone told me that I shouldn't blog so often. It's unlady like to show the world that you are too free ie sad. Well, guess what girlfriends...I am free. When my campaigns are rolling out, I won't even have time to breathe. So what's wrong with being free and nothing to do? I am sad. Without work, I am lost. Gimme some work matherfacker so that I won't be sad and post here like everyday, godammit!


Anonymous said…
LADY!!! you're not suppose to say out loud your bedroom secrets. It's suppose to be between 2 ladies.
darn ed said…
hallelujah for diversity and niche markets ! As long as ur fluffy with it, who cares what other thinks ...

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