Stub it/Light up
Stub it
Woke up late again on a lazy Saturday but what’s new anyway. Saturdays are my refuge and solace. A late breakfast with the morning paper and I noticed one headline that was just screaming about work.
Now first thing first, I really can’t stand how a lot of papers ALWAYS get all the facts mixed up sometimes. It confuses people. I am a simple person. Don’t confuse me. Media agency is NOT and NEVER will be advertising agency as much as they want and pretend to be. So stop that already. Cheesy online pay per click and paid for search results are crap, NOT and NEVER will be in the same league as conventional/mainstream advertising. Besides, there’s NOTHING creative about that other than the fact it annoys the hell out of me whenever I try and search for things and ended up in those crap website that paid loads to be listed.
No one or no decent self-respecting agency can promise results. Those that do are either lying or don’t know what they are doing. So pay us for the work we have done. We don’t just sit there and come up with key words or create links. Any form of advertising is better than none at all. You can measure clicks on Internet but how do you measure the effectiveness of other types of advertising? Should the number of products sold determine our fee? What are the factors and variables that are involved in the whole process? It is advertising alone? What if the distribution or suppliers fucked up? Don’t simplify advertising like that.
Speaking of media agency, it’s been awhile that I wanted to rant and rant about this media agency. (though I respect them for being one of the top agency in the country, with great resources and also good bargaining power/relationship with the media owners) Besides the numerous crap/“lala”s aka fashion roadkill they hire as planner (for the record, they are some good and nice planners and buyers there as well lar) – they also pissed me off big time with crappy recommendations to the client, always! I know at the end of the day, we are conducting business but what IS the point when we only make client spend for the sake of spending and meeting the yearly quota? Imagine this, a product was recommended to be advertised/endorsed in a certain show just because the client is a fan of the show. What’s the strategy behind that? What good will it do to the brand? What is their use to the client of they refused to ‘bully’ the media owner abit, push for things for the client but instead scared of media owner? Media agency my flat saggy ass!
You know what? Sometimes I think I don’t know anything at all. My strats are crap, branding is weak and what do I understand about the business at all? But I can tell you what I know. I know that I love what I do. I know that we all work together for the brand.
Maybe I am nuts.
Light up
On a brighter and smokier side, here’s an absolutely trashy fabulous picture of a fellow member from Madonna Nation forum – srkisrle. Look at him. Such a poser with his cigarette! I like it…very much.

You can even send me your very own ciggie poser pictures of yourself. And oh btw, no ciggie for me today.
Woke up late again on a lazy Saturday but what’s new anyway. Saturdays are my refuge and solace. A late breakfast with the morning paper and I noticed one headline that was just screaming about work.
“ADVERTISING agencies don't like our revenue model because it threatens their
existence,” says Pinstorm Technologies Pvt Ltd founder and CEO Mahesh Murthy.
Pinstorm, a Mumbai-based search engine marketing (SEM) firm, works on
a pay-per-performance model rather than the commission or fee system generally
used by the ad industry.
Clients pay it based on actual results, that
is sales leads Pinstorm generates for them.
“Agencies say: Whether
our campaign works or not, pay us. Pinstorm is a far more responsible marketer,
far more results-focused. One day, all advertising will be like this –
accountable,” he tells BizWeek in Petaling Jaya.
Full story:
Now first thing first, I really can’t stand how a lot of papers ALWAYS get all the facts mixed up sometimes. It confuses people. I am a simple person. Don’t confuse me. Media agency is NOT and NEVER will be advertising agency as much as they want and pretend to be. So stop that already. Cheesy online pay per click and paid for search results are crap, NOT and NEVER will be in the same league as conventional/mainstream advertising. Besides, there’s NOTHING creative about that other than the fact it annoys the hell out of me whenever I try and search for things and ended up in those crap website that paid loads to be listed.
No one or no decent self-respecting agency can promise results. Those that do are either lying or don’t know what they are doing. So pay us for the work we have done. We don’t just sit there and come up with key words or create links. Any form of advertising is better than none at all. You can measure clicks on Internet but how do you measure the effectiveness of other types of advertising? Should the number of products sold determine our fee? What are the factors and variables that are involved in the whole process? It is advertising alone? What if the distribution or suppliers fucked up? Don’t simplify advertising like that.
Speaking of media agency, it’s been awhile that I wanted to rant and rant about this media agency. (though I respect them for being one of the top agency in the country, with great resources and also good bargaining power/relationship with the media owners) Besides the numerous crap/“lala”s aka fashion roadkill they hire as planner (for the record, they are some good and nice planners and buyers there as well lar) – they also pissed me off big time with crappy recommendations to the client, always! I know at the end of the day, we are conducting business but what IS the point when we only make client spend for the sake of spending and meeting the yearly quota? Imagine this, a product was recommended to be advertised/endorsed in a certain show just because the client is a fan of the show. What’s the strategy behind that? What good will it do to the brand? What is their use to the client of they refused to ‘bully’ the media owner abit, push for things for the client but instead scared of media owner? Media agency my flat saggy ass!
You know what? Sometimes I think I don’t know anything at all. My strats are crap, branding is weak and what do I understand about the business at all? But I can tell you what I know. I know that I love what I do. I know that we all work together for the brand.
Maybe I am nuts.
Light up
On a brighter and smokier side, here’s an absolutely trashy fabulous picture of a fellow member from Madonna Nation forum – srkisrle. Look at him. Such a poser with his cigarette! I like it…very much.

You can even send me your very own ciggie poser pictures of yourself. And oh btw, no ciggie for me today.
talk about trash this is even worse
- it's me
OMG I love bryanboy!
envy smoking for fun