Twas a unlovely pre-holiday Wednesday and with my nose blocked and throat hurting, my lovely lady friend Florence just asked me to join him for some biblical study classes. Of course I politelty rejected it. Where I stand in terms of religion is no mystery. I was and still am a born again Christian. I used to attend FGA though but that was ages ago. Horror to the horror I even taught Sunday School classes during my better days. Not to say I am far worst now but anyway....back to religion. I guess the reason that I fall out from church was the fact that I felt that I can't be gay (all those sinfully fun cocksucking session) and go hop to church every Sunday like nothing has changed. I mean alot of people will argue how the bible was misintepreted and homosexual is not a sin and bla bla bla.

Personally, I think I am not smart enough to argue about all these teories so I will stand by what the bible says. Homosexual = Sin. Cocksucking = Sin. Lust for Men = Sin. Get a hardon looking at someone's hardon = Sin. The equation and solution is simple. So it's either the church or cocks. No prize for guessing which one I choosed. But having said that, that doesn't mean I don't believe in Christ. I do. I love him. I know he loves me despite everything. From time to time when things went really bad, He is the person I talked to. Our relationship is basically like a torn screwed up father and son relationship whereby we hardly talk to each another and I don't go visit him. Whenever I do, it was for something. I cannot look at him in the eye and he cannot accept what and who I fucked last night. Well, this is the path that I took anyway. I reckon that its better to skip Church than pretend to be all good and holy every Sunday which is far worst.
Yesterday just like any other uneventful day of late, with abit of sore throat I decided to call it a day early and join the crowd in through the rain jam all the way home. But I decided to make a pit stop at someone's house. One of my project requiried me to track down this talent which was used in this ad ages ago. Basically we need to renew the royalty and bla bla shit. How glam is my life? Anyway the only contact info we have of him is his house address. So like any good bottom of the foodchain whore that I am, what else is there to do but go?

When I arrived, just as expected no one's home. I rang and rang and I finally decided to talk to the neighbour. Like any good Malaysian neighbours, I was treated with suspicion and in typical Bangsarian syle, they send the maid. After acquiring next to nothing information from them, I decided to just leave a note and my card. Still no call yet. I guess I will make one last call tonight. Maybe not so early just to be able to catch someone at home. Maybe he will turn out to be this single hunky hunk, living all by himself in his oh so fabulous Bangsar pad and fall deeply in love with me? Okay, time for medication. And oh, no ciggies for sick boy.
Twas a unlovely pre-holiday Wednesday and with my nose blocked and throat hurting, my lovely lady friend Florence just asked me to join him for some biblical study classes. Of course I politelty rejected it. Where I stand in terms of religion is no mystery. I was and still am a born again Christian. I used to attend FGA though but that was ages ago. Horror to the horror I even taught Sunday School classes during my better days. Not to say I am far worst now but anyway....back to religion. I guess the reason that I fall out from church was the fact that I felt that I can't be gay (all those sinfully fun cocksucking session) and go hop to church every Sunday like nothing has changed. I mean alot of people will argue how the bible was misintepreted and homosexual is not a sin and bla bla bla.

Personally, I think I am not smart enough to argue about all these teories so I will stand by what the bible says. Homosexual = Sin. Cocksucking = Sin. Lust for Men = Sin. Get a hardon looking at someone's hardon = Sin. The equation and solution is simple. So it's either the church or cocks. No prize for guessing which one I choosed. But having said that, that doesn't mean I don't believe in Christ. I do. I love him. I know he loves me despite everything. From time to time when things went really bad, He is the person I talked to. Our relationship is basically like a torn screwed up father and son relationship whereby we hardly talk to each another and I don't go visit him. Whenever I do, it was for something. I cannot look at him in the eye and he cannot accept what and who I fucked last night. Well, this is the path that I took anyway. I reckon that its better to skip Church than pretend to be all good and holy every Sunday which is far worst.
Yesterday just like any other uneventful day of late, with abit of sore throat I decided to call it a day early and join the crowd in through the rain jam all the way home. But I decided to make a pit stop at someone's house. One of my project requiried me to track down this talent which was used in this ad ages ago. Basically we need to renew the royalty and bla bla shit. How glam is my life? Anyway the only contact info we have of him is his house address. So like any good bottom of the foodchain whore that I am, what else is there to do but go?

When I arrived, just as expected no one's home. I rang and rang and I finally decided to talk to the neighbour. Like any good Malaysian neighbours, I was treated with suspicion and in typical Bangsarian syle, they send the maid. After acquiring next to nothing information from them, I decided to just leave a note and my card. Still no call yet. I guess I will make one last call tonight. Maybe not so early just to be able to catch someone at home. Maybe he will turn out to be this single hunky hunk, living all by himself in his oh so fabulous Bangsar pad and fall deeply in love with me? Okay, time for medication. And oh, no ciggies for sick boy.
But surely there's way to build a bridge between them. Lyk throwing in a parakeet or sumfink into the mix. Good luck though.
As for me, I shall remain a devout worshipper of a beautiful smegma-free cock for now ! *wink*
And, yeah, get well soon, my dear laydee fren ! Sore throat and cock doesn't mix well together too ..