
My lovely lady friend, Florence wrote a line or two today on her lovely lady blog. Lemme try...its crap but what isn't?

It was very nice to have found you
It was very nice to talk to you
It was very nice meeting you
It would have been nice to get to know you better

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It's always nice to find someone like you
because they don't come too often
It's nice if I knew what was wrong
Why you don't call on me any more

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It's nice right now because I've told myself
Sometimes with life, you just can't tell
I hope someone nice like you
Would find someone who would be nice to you

For now, it's just nice to move on
To find someone nice again
and it would be nice if we can be friends

Bah. I should stop before I start gagging!

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thompsonboy said…
I do think Miss Knightley is such a lovely creature....

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