The importance of being idle

I read somewhere that Oscar Wilde once said, its hard work doing nothing. I couldn’t agree more. Right now all my campaigns are either over, on going or cancelled. So much for getting my fat arse busy. Well, it’s not that bad. I mean since I joined it has been a non stop for 4-5 months. Well deserved rest, maybe. Maybe not.

Imagine having to key in 7.50 hours of doing nothing. Now that’s just scary. That’s just unheard of it. That just freaks me out. I need to work. I need more work. I cannot do without work. Life seems so empty without the stress and the problems. Above all, I think I am so sad that without work, I have nothing better to do.

So, I call my friends? Fat chance…all of them are either working or just as bored. Put two bored people in the room and you will get more boredom. Hell, no.

Btw, no ciggie today but I am feeling hungry like a cow.

This is going nowhere. I am not thinking right. I am not even writing right. It’s not funny anymore.

The trick here is probably to think slowly. Breathe through your nose. Think. Breathe. Think. Breathe. Five and a half hours more to go. God help me!

Oh right, now I remembered what I wanted to say…dear friends. My lovely friends…if you are reading this, I have a proposition to make.

See this?

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This is a lovely belt that is screaming to be owned by me. I have eyes for this lovely belt since forever but it will cost me an arm and half a finger. Now if I manage to stop smoking, will anyone buy that for me as an incentive? Anyone? Please? Pretty please? make me pretty please?


Anonymous said…
nice belt. but it looks like something a superhero wears to hold his spandex pants in place.

my dear lady, write more. i'm sure the world would like a deeper, intimate understanding of 'the world of niel'.
savante said…
Hey, it's nice to clock in without doing any work! would help towards getting that belt :) Trust me, it's better than slogging like a dog for a pittance.


thompsonboy said…
well guess what? I clocked in under admin time and my boss refused to approve my time sheet. She was like gimme the breakdown of your admin time. Here's my admin time.

1. Ciggie break
2. Blog
3. Chit chat
4. Blog
5. Look at Gucci
6. Ciggie break

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