Moving on without you
As I look back at the six years that I will/have been spending at this agency, it amazes me how much things has changed. Of course things cannot remain the same - nothing is constant no? But to think that this is my longest stint at one place since primary school is pretty amazing. I have not been at any one place longer than that. Maybe it's some sort of achievement but at the same time, you see people moving on and moving forward and you can't help but to think what's up is it then with me? Over the years, I have toyed with the idea of getting myself somewhere before I move on - after all there is a lot left from the good fight and I can still go on fighting. Along the way I realised that while I have achieved some stuff that I want in life, many of those things are not needed and merely served as smoke screen to cover up the fact that I am not truly fulfilled as an individual. There is always something missing and work managed to just do so much. I switched my focus t...