Just say NO

It's been awhile and I have been racking up quite a number of bags over some time and while it's all fun and all, I've always have this sneaky feeling just tossed aside that it's not exactly the best and right thing to do. It started off as rewarding oneself but somehow the need never cease. There is always one and another one more to acquire and while it's not exactly all adding extra harm to my cards (no bad debt here), it is also not exactly healthy for my savings.

Which brings me to the point, what savings? I know we have talked about the general gay community who lived on buy now, think later - kind of live for the day attitude. It's not exactly a bad thing, to go for 'things' and live the day like it's your last but somehow a backup plan is always required. To a certain extand, I might have it but I don't know. I am guessing this is due to the Chinese boy in mind, the mentality of being safe and save.

For now at least I am safe/save. I don't know how long more I can 'tahan' the 'gatal' but I need to be strong. Please don't show me this bag in blue/ink. Please don't show me this bag in blue/ink. Please don't show me this bag in blue/ink.


Shane B said…
this is a excellent color, better than blue/ink in my humble opinion, for the Givenchy nightingale bag :) I'm a Chinese boy too ~~ we should follow each other!
J said…
darn ed said…
brand new start. neat.

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